



在蒂森•博内米萨博物馆(Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum)举行的展览凭借乔其•瓦雷拉(Jorge Varela)的优雅设计赢得了一致的好评。设计师以这间声望卓著的博物馆为灵感,从卡地亚档案馆中选取手绘稿,放大制作成动画,与展出的藏品遥相呼应。美术馆馆长格威勒莫•索拉纳(Guillermo Solana)亲自挑选了420余件作品。其中最尊贵的展品,当属一顶制作于1920年的维多利亚•尤金娜王后(Queen Victoria Eugenia)的冠冕,由西班牙王室特别出借。

Madrid,Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum

The most recent exhibition in Madrid’s Thyssen Museum earned a unanimous seal of approval for Jorge Varela’s elegant design. 
The prestigious art museum provided the setting for magnified graphic animations of drawings from the archives that corresponded to the pieces exhibited in the enormous display cases. Museum Director Guillermo Solana handpicked a broad selection of more than 420 pieces. Among the most prized exhibits was Queen Victoria Eugenia’s tiara from 1920, on exceptional loanfrom the Spanish court.
Madrid,Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum

The most recent exhibition in Madrid’s Thyssen Museum earned a unanimous seal of approval for Jorge Varela’s elegant design. 
The prestigious art museum provided the setting for magnified graphic animations of drawings from the archives that corresponded to the pieces exhibited in the enormous display cases. Museum Director Guillermo Solana handpicked a broad selection of more than 420 pieces. Among the most prized exhibits was Queen Victoria Eugenia’s tiara from 1920, on exceptional loanfrom the Spanish court.
Madrid,Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum

The most recent exhibition in Madrid’s Thyssen Museum earned a unanimous seal of approval for Jorge Varela’s elegant design. 
The prestigious art museum provided the setting for magnified graphic animations of drawings from the archives that corresponded to the pieces exhibited in the enormous display cases. Museum Director Guillermo Solana handpicked a broad selection of more than 420 pieces. Among the most prized exhibits was Queen Victoria Eugenia’s tiara from 1920, on exceptional loanfrom the Spanish court.